Monday 4 April 2011

5 Steps to the big society

Love this video so much.

1. Give communities more powers 
ƒ We will radically reform the planning system to give neighbourhoods far 
more ability to determine the shape of the places in which their inhabitants 
ƒ We will introduce new powers to help communities save local facilities and 
services threatened with closure, and give communities the right to bid to 
take over local state-run services. ƒ We will train a new  generation of community  organisers and support the 
creation of neighbourhood groups across  the UK, especially in the most 
deprived areas. 

Give the community more power, or exploit the community with all their power?
Why should we do a job (that people get a good salary for) for free?
Deprived areas? They are indicating that some areas get more treatment than others creating a social gap?

2. Encourage people to take an active role in their communities 
ƒ We will take a range of measures to encourage volunteering and 
involvement in social action, including launching a national ‘Big Society 
Day’ and making regular community involvement a key element of civil 
service staff appraisals. 
ƒ We will take a range of measures to encourage charitable giving and 
ƒ We will introduce a National Citizen Service. The initial flagship project will 
provide a programme for 16 year olds to give them a chance to develop 
the skills needed to be active and responsible citizens, mix with people 
from different backgrounds, and start getting involved in their communities. 

Encourage what people to get involved? People who are unemployed and feel let down by their government? or people who have full time jobs and have a lot of their time to other commitments? Maybe the younger generation who need to be encouraged to join full time education? Well I hope all of the above!

The term Charitable from this sounds a little fake! Why are we paying large amounts of tax and doing charity to hide the fact that what David Cameron and the Conservative party promised not to change certain and went ahead and did anyway. Thanks for the trust David!

The younger generation should be encouraged to go to school and learn to become good citizens and handle life as an adult. Maybe plan their future rather than just doing donkey work to fill the holes created by the government. Also what skills are they talking about?

3. Transfer power from central to local government 
ƒ We will promote the radical devolution of power and greater financial 
autonomy to local government, including a full review of local government 
ƒ We will give councils a general power of competence. 
ƒ We will abolish Regional Spatial Strategies and return decision-making 
powers on housing and planning to local councils. 

This sounds like a step in the right direction and maybe we can be saved by this idea after all! or not. Maybe we can trust our local councils to think of us and maybe not be in a battle with other local community's to be the best. We could as a community share our success with others so we become a better society? what can i say this sounds promising. Well lets move on.

4. Support co-ops, mutuals, charities and social enterprises 
ƒ We will support the creation and expansion of mutuals, co-operatives, 
charities and social enterprises, and  support these groups to have much 
greater involvement in the running of public services. 
ƒ We will give public sector workers a new right to form employee-owned cooperatives and bid to take over the  services they deliver. This will 
empower millions of public sector workers to become their own boss and 
help them to deliver better services. ƒ We will use funds from dormant bank accounts to establish a Big Society 
Bank, which will provide new finance for neighbourhood groups, charities, 
social enterprises and other nongovernmental bodies. 

This is explained in my other Blog about savers being made to pay.

5. Publish government data 
ƒ We will create a new ‘right to data’ so that government-held datasets can 
be requested and used by the public, and then published on a regular 
ƒ We will oblige the police to publish  detailed local crime data statistics 
every month, so the public can get proper information about crime in their 
neighbourhoods and hold the police to account for their performance. 

This last point is very positive, I cannot argue with this but i want to hear is what you think of these five points and weather you think i am being fair or not.

This was downloaded from the Cabinet Office.

Follow these link if you want to know more.

Students at school

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